A series of one or more SQL statements that are logically related or
a series of operations performed on Oracle table
data is termed as a Transaction. Oracle treats this logical unit as a
single entity. Oracle treats changes to table
data as a two-step process. First, the changes requested are done. To make
these changes permanent a COMMIT statement has to be given at the SQL
prompt. A ROLLBACK statement given at the SQL prompt can be used to undo a part of or the
entire transaction.
A transaction begins with the first executable SQL statement
after a commit, rollback or connection made to the Oracle engine. All changes made to an Oracle table data via a
transaction are made or undone at one instance.
Specifically, a transaction is a group of events that occur between any
of the following events:
Connecting to Oracle
Disconnecting from Oracle
Committing changes to the database table
Closing Transactions
A transaction can be closed by using either a commit or a rollback
statement. By using these statements, table data can be changed or all the changes made to the table data
A COMMIT ends the current transaction and makes
permanent any changes made during the transaction. All transactional locks
acquired on tables are released.
A ROLLBACK does exactly the
opposite of COMMIT. It ends the transaction but undoes any changes made during the transaction. All transactional locks
acquired on tables are released.
WORK Is optional and is provided for ANSI compatibility
optional and is used to rollback a transaction partially, as far as the
specified savepoint
SAVEPOINTNAME Is a savepoint created during the current transaction
SAVEPOINT marks and saves the
current point in the processing of a transaction. When a SAVEPOINT is used with a ROLLBACK statement, parts of a
transaction can be undone. An active SAVEPOINT is one that is specified since the last COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
ROLLBACK can be fired from the SQL prompt with
or without the SAVEPOINT clause. The implication of each is described below.
A ROLLBACK operation performed
without the SAVEPOINT clause amounts to the following:
Ends the transaction
Undoes all the changes in the current transaction
Erases all savepoints in that transaction
Releases the transactional locks
A ROLLBACK operation performed
with the TO SAVEPOINT clause amounts to the following:
A predetermined portion of the transaction is rolled back
Retains the save point rolled back to, but loses those created after
the named savepoint
Releases all transactional locks that were acquired since the savepoint
was taken
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