Wednesday, October 9, 2024

CTSD Model paper SET-4


1. This question paper comprises of two sections. Write answer of both the sections in separate answer books.

2. From Section I, Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any THREE from Q. 2 to Q. 5

3. From Section II, Q.6 is compulsory, attempt any THREE from Q. 7 to Q. 10

4. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

5. Start new question on new page.

Section-A (30 Marks)

Q.1 Objective Type Questions - (State, Define, List, etc) (6 Marks)

  1. Define the ‘do-while’ loop.
  2. List the basic data types in C.
  3. State the purpose of the ‘goto’ statement.

Q.2 Answer the following questions.
A) Define flowchart symbols. (2 Marks)
B) Explain the history of C language. (6 Marks)

Q.3 Answer the following questions.
C) What is an enum in C? (2 Marks)
D) Write a program to find the average of three numbers. (6 Marks)

Q.4 Answer the following questions.
A) Define a 2D array. (2 Marks)
B) Write a program to sort an array in ascending order. (6 Marks)

Q.5 Answer the following questions.
A) Explain call by reference. (2 Marks)
B) Write a program to reverse a given number. (6 Marks)

Section-B (30 Marks)

Q.6 Objective Type Questions - (State, Define, List, etc) (6 Marks)

  1. Define typecasting in C.
  2. What is the purpose of the ‘break’ statement?
  3. List the string functions in C.

Q.7 Answer the following questions.
A) Describe the structure of a C program. (2 Marks)
B) Explain the use of recursion with an example. (6 Marks)

Q.8 Answer the following questions.
A) What is a switch case? (2 Marks)
B) Write a program to check whether a number is Armstrong. (6 Marks)

Q.9 Answer the following questions.
A) Define nested loops. (2 Marks)
B) Write a program to generate a multiplication table using a loop. (6 Marks)

Q.10 Answer the following questions.
A) What are string functions? (2 Marks)
B) Write a program to count the total number of words in a string. (6 Marks)

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